Friday, 26 February 2010


In a previous blog I told you about the Pondarosa Cafe on our Scottish beach. Below is a shot of Greg in the garden of the cafe with the Chinese statue, yes thats right, Chinese. Chinese, Pondarosa, Scottish beach, very strange. Click on pictures to enlarge.
Some visitors looking at the fountain outside the cafe.

Icicles on the fountain

The cold weather has never really gone but at least we had a few days free of snow. Not for long, as this picture shows the cold outlook from just outside my garden

Icicles on the cliff and snow on the beach. Just to the left of this shot at the base of the cliff is a cave where it is said people lived at one time. There is also a local tale that a tunnel goes from this cave all the way to Duffus Castle. I couldn't get a shot of the cave entrance from where I was on top of the cliff but will take some shots from the beach at a later date.

A sea stack. The gull are gathering and will soon be nesting here.

During my walk today I looked out for animal tracks in the fresh snow. These are fox tracks.

I wonder if the fox was following this rabbit who left his tracks for me to find.

And now tractor tracks. A farm worker was ploughing in the next field.

Here is a view of the snow capped Bin of Cullen beyond Lossie forest. We often walk in the forest which has endless tracks and paths that lead to the beach or through the trees.

A view of Ben Rinnes covered in snow. Duffus Castle is in the bottom left corner of the shot.

Tuesday, 16 February 2010


The snow had gone and was replaced by mud, however the sun was shining, the sea was blue and the dogs needed to be walked, so we headed out across the field. We met the new boys in the field next door. They are tups (male sheep) of various breeds . There are about a dozen in the field. I like the brown and white one. Click on pictures to enlarge them.
Two of my friends dogs are staying with us for a while. Here is Louis at full stretch, running back up the field watched by my Jarvis.
At the bottom of the field we can access the cliff path. Today the tide was going out and gulls were resting on the rocks

Heading back up the opposite side of the field, Jarvis and Louis are still together and Brian just visible bottom right. This is when I get to use my leg muscles

We were treated to a display by a Tornado aircraft from the nearby RAF base.

This is our cottage tucked in below the hill top. Visible in the distance is Lossiemouth and St. James church spire and the tower with red tiled roof of St. Gerardines can be seen

Louis looking wet and windblown but very happy.
Jarvis, backed by blue sea and sky waits for me to catch up.

Later on that afternoon we were treated to this amazing sunset.

Saturday, 6 February 2010


We always begin to look out for Snowdrops around this time of year and can always be assured of a good display in Duffus Old Churchyard. It amazes me how such delicate little flowers survive in such harsh weather. For better detail click on pictures.
The porch of the ruined church offers shelter to more snowdrops
The boys use a tombstone as a lookout hoping to catch sight of the many rabbits that live here.

Enlarge this picture to read of the tragic loss a family suffered in the 19th century.

The stone above is the one to the left of this shot, it is by no means the only one with such a sad record.

A view of the ruined church and some of the oldest stones.

Inside the church

This little chap sits quite high up on the outside wall, I wonder where he came from. It's good to know that re-cycling went on way back then.

Below are a couple of details of tombstones. I published a blog of this place last year and may have repeated some shots, so if you have seen them already I apologise